18 September 2009, 05:42
B: All in our family have a library card.
S: But Julia is in our family and she doesn't have one.
J: But I'm not born into your family.
B: No that's why. She's going back to Sweden. But you're still our family.
S: When are you going home?
J: In a year, I'm gonna miss you guys!
S: You can stay as long as you want to.
J: Thank you, but I can only stay one year or maybe two, that's the au pair program.
B: Yeah. But can you go home in one year on a Monday, then get into the program again and come back on the Tuesday?
J: Maybe sweetie, but it's okay, it's a long time till I'll leave.
S: I want you to stay forever.
Och som grädden på moset får jag det gulligaste sms:et från Piff, plus att Leffa traskade över i sina mystofflor i hösten. Precis så där mysigt som jag ville ha det. Har jag det bra eller har jag det bra?
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